#!/usr/bin/env zsh # ZI Loader (Values set: default) # # https://z.digitalclouds.dev/community/zsh_plugin_standard 0="${ZERO:-${${0:#$ZSH_ARGZERO}:-${(%):-%N}}}" 0="${${(M)0:#/*}:-$PWD/$0}" # https://z.digitalclouds.dev/docs/guides/customization local repo="https://github.com/z-shell/zi.git" local branch="main" local verbose_mode="${verbose_mode:-false}" typeset -A ZI # Where ZI should create all working directories, e.g.: "~/.zi" ZI[HOME_DIR]="${ZI[HOME_DIR]:-${HOME}/.zi}" # Where ZI code resides, e.g.: "~/.zi/bin" ZI[BIN_DIR]="$ZI[HOME_DIR]/bin" # Zsh modules directory ZI[ZMODULES_DIR]="$ZI[HOME_DIR]/zmodules" # Where ZI cache is, e.g.: "~/.cache/zi" ZI[CACHE_DIR]="${ZI[CACHE_DIR]:-$HOME/.cache/zi}" # Path to .zcompdump file, with the file included (i.e. its name can be different) ZI[ZCOMPDUMP_PATH]="$ZI[CACHE_DIR]/.zcompdump" # If set to 1, then mutes some of the ZI warnings, specifically the plugin already registered warning ZI[MUTE_WARNINGS]="${ZI[MUTE_WARNINGS]:-0}" # Clone ZI repository if it doesn't exist zzsetup() { [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): Checking if ZI (zi.zsh) is available." if [[ ! -f "${ZI[BIN_DIR]}/zi.zsh" ]]; then [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): ZI (zi.zsh) is not found. Installing..." builtin print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{160}Installing interactive feature-rich plugin manager (%F{33}z-shell/zi%F{160})%f%b" command mkdir -p "${ZI[BIN_DIR]}" && command chmod -R go-w "${ZI[HOME_DIR]}" command git clone -q --progress --branch "$branch" "$repo" "${ZI[BIN_DIR]}" if [[ -f "${ZI[BIN_DIR]}/zi.zsh" ]]; then [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): Installed and ZI (zi.zsh) is found" local git_refs=("$(cd "${ZI[BIN_DIR]}"; command git log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit | head -10)") print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{34}Successfully installed %F{160}(%F{33}z-shell/zi%F{160})%f%b" print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{226}Last changes:%f%b" print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{160}%F{33}\n${git_refs}%F{160}%f%b" else print -P "%F{160}▓▒░ The clone has failed…%f%b" print -P "%F{160}▓▒░ %F{33} Please report the issue:%f%b" print -P "%F{160}▓▒░ %F{33} https://github.com/z-shell/zi/issues/new%f%b" return 1 fi return 0 fi } # If setup is successful or ZI is already installed, then load ZI. Otherwise, not continue and exit. zzsource() { [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): If (zzsetup) function status code 0, then load ZI." if zzsetup; then [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): Loading (zi.zsh)" source "${ZI[BIN_DIR]}/zi.zsh" else [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): (zzsetup) function status code 1, not continue and exit." exit 1 fi } # Load zi module if built zzpmod() { [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): Checking for ZI module." if [[ -f "${ZI[ZMODULES_DIR]}/zpmod/Src/zi/zpmod.so" ]]; then [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): Loading ZI module." module_path+=( "${ZI[ZMODULES_DIR]}/zpmod/Src" ) zmodload zi/zpmod &>/dev/null ZI[ZPMOD_ENABLED]=1 fi } # Enable completion (completions should be loaded after zzsource) zzcomps() { [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): Loading completion… (_zi)" autoload -Uz _zi (( ${+_comps} )) && _comps[zi]=_zi ZI[COMPS_ENABLED]=1 } # If ZI is installed, load ZI, enable completion and load zpmod. zzinit() { (( ZI[SOURCED] )) && return [[ $verbose_mode == true ]] && builtin print "(ZI): Loading ZI (zi.zsh)" zzsource zzcomps zzpmod }